




【Level 1】(初級)
【Level 2】(中級)
【Level 3】(上級Ⅰ)
【Level 4 – A】(上級Ⅱ – A)

上級Ⅱ 課題曲

Triumphant (勝ち誇る)

The Lord reigns (主は統べ治める)

Dancing in the spirit (霊で踊る)

Joyful (喜びに満ちる)

Power (力)

Dancing in the spirit (霊で踊る)〔2nd〕

Friendship (友情)

Purity (純潔)

Dancing in the spirit (霊で踊る)〔3rd〕

Halal (hallelujah) (ハラル〈踊りを持ってほめたたえる〉)

Resurrection (復活)

Dancing in the spirit (霊で踊る)〔4th〕

Tehillah (thanks giving) (テヒラ〈即興的な賞賛〉)

Endurance (忍耐)

Dancing in the spirit (霊で踊る)〔5th〕

Towdah (lifting of hands) (トダー〈手をあげ感謝する〉)

The Lord reigns (主は統べ治める)〔2nd〕

Dancing in the spirit (霊で踊る)〔6th〕

Shabach (shout) (シャバック〈主を賛美し叫ぶ〉)

Power (力)〔2nd〕

Dancing in the spirit (霊で踊る)〔7th〕

Yadah (hands lifted in total surrender) (ヤーダー〈手をあげて賛美する〉)

Run around in a circle (Right) (右に回る)

Mountain (山々)

The name of the Lord (主の御名)

Salvation (救い)

Celebration (祝賀)

Hallelujah (ハレルヤ〈主をほめたたえる詩篇〉)

Lamp (ランプ)

The name of the Lord (主の御名) 〔2nd〕

Salvation (救い)〔2nd〕

Eagle’s flight (鷲の飛翔)

Shake & top (シェイク&タップ)

Celebration (祝賀)〔2nd〕

Hallelujah (ハレルヤ〈主をほめたたえる詩篇〉)〔2nd〕

Make his praise glorious (彼の賛美を輝かせる)

Reverence (upward) (畏敬の念)

【Level 4 – B】(上級Ⅱ – B)

上級Ⅱ 課題曲

Armor of God (神の武具)

Passover lamb A (過ぎ越しの子羊 A)

Passover lamb B (過ぎ越しの子羊 B)

Triumph (凱旋)

Angel (天使)

Joyful noise (喜びの声)

Declaration (宣言)

Fisher of men (人をとる漁師)

Harvest (収穫)

He is Jehovah A (彼はジェホバ A)

He is Jehovah B (彼はジェホバ B)

Harvest (収穫)〔2nd〕

He is Jehovah A (彼はジェホバ A)〔2nd〕

He is Jehovah B (彼はジェホバ B)〔2nd〕

Reverence (畏敬の念)

Awesome God (畏怖の神)

Worship (L4) (礼拝)

【Another pattern】